How do You Practice Self-Care? Nov 19, 2019

Getting sick and never getting well again is like crucible, burning up any extra bit of energy, allowing the pace and demands of life to come into sharp enough focus that we might come to understand the critical importance of self-care.  ...

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Why am I Tired All the Time but Still Don’t Sleep Well? Nov 12, 2019

This seems like one of the classic ironies of chronic illness.  Chronic fatigue, it seems, does not lead to being a champion sleeper.  There are many factors – known and unknown, that contribute to our sleep.  While some of...

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What about Sex and Chronic Illness? Part 2 Oct 29, 2019

So, if sex (as referenced in the Part 1 post on this subject), is the elephant in my living room.  I can either eat it, ride it, or keep it for a pet.  Either way I’ve got to get to know it intimately and not avoid it.  Okay,...

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What About Sex and Chronic Illness? Oct 22, 2019

In the lineup of things in my life that are diminished by chronic illness – sex is in my top three.  I have waited so long to write about it because, honestly, it feels like the elephant in my room.  It’s taking up all the...

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How do I Maintain a Healthy LTR with Chronic Illness? Oct 15, 2019

I am one of the luckiest of the chronically ill card holders, in my opinion; because throughout my time dealing with chronic illness, I haven't faced it on my own.  Prior to getting sick and for the whole time since I have had the...

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How do I Accept my Chronic Illness? Oct 01, 2019

Chronic illness shows up and robs us of our plans.  It reroutes the itinerary we had for our life.  It steals the future we imagined.  It diminishes our capacities and transforms our circumstances.  It kicks our ass and...

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